martedì 18 luglio 2017

Http Download Manager

A complete Netbeans 7.0 Java project (all sources) of my HTTP download manager in Java.

You can purchase the code on Fiverr web site (only 5 dollar)

*** Important ***
You must use NetBeans 7.0 (it's free) and use Jdk 1.6 
otherwise the project does not work properly. However you are free to use my sources with every  IDE, JDK  you like but you will need to do some adjustements.The project can be useful for students that wish to see an example of Java Api Networking, Multithread management, File and database access from Java.  The project handles only HTTP protocol and direct file url.

Video Demo

lunedì 17 luglio 2017

Lambda Expressions in 5 minutes

Lambda expressions allow us to realize a more compact code and avoid anonymous inner classes. We can use them with functional interface. So, for instance, we can assign a lambda expression to a functional interface reference variable,  functional interface method parameter or functional interface returned type. The general  form is the following:
parameters list -> body
Here the video with different usage examples:

domenica 16 luglio 2017

Functional interface and :: keyword in 5 minutes

 A functional interface
  1. Has only one method
  2. Allows static implemented methods
  3. Allows default  (non static) implemented methods

While the general use of the :: keyword is:
  1. ClassName::methodName
  2. ObjectInstance::methodName
  3. ClassName::new